We introduce NOMAD CAMELS [1] (Configurable Application for Measurements, Experiments, and Laboratory Systems), an innovative open-source measurement software designed to capture FAIR data that is fully self-describing in NeXus format. This enables native integration of CAMELS’ data into research data management tools such as NOMAD or eLabFTW. CAMELS empowers users to define measurement protocols through an intuitive graphical interface, eliminating the need for programming skills or in-depth knowledge of instrument communication. Originally developed for solid-state physics, CAMELS offers great flexibility in controlling a diverse range of measurement instruments within dynamically changing experimental setups. The user-defined protocols are translated into standalone executable Python code, ensuring complete transparency in the execution of measurement sequences. Python's utilization enables the usage of numerous sophisticated libraries and its ongoing improvement and worldwide community provide a framework allowing CAMELS to grow with new developments.
[1] https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.06371