Oct 27 – 30, 2024
Achat Hotel Karlsruhe City
Europe/Berlin timezone

Building on the success of previous editions, we are pleased to announce the upcoming FAIR-DI European Conference on Data Intelligence 2024. Following the remarkable achievements and insightful discussions at the 2020 and 2022 Conferences on a FAIR Data Infrastructure for Materials Genomics, we are excited to continue the discussion and further collaboration and innovation in this growing field with the theme of Data Intelligence.

FAIR-DI Award for outstanding data handling in a PhD thesis:

The FAIR-DI Award for data handling in a PhD thesis recognizes an excellent PhD thesis in the field of physics, materials science, or chemistry, which stands out by its exceptional handling of research data following FAIR principles. The recipient of this award will have the opportunity to present their thesis at the FAIR-DI European Conference on Data Intelligence 2024 and will receive a prize of €2000. Learn more about the award and apply here.


Post-deadline abstract submission:

In response to the overwhelming interest in our conference and the rapid advancements in the field of data intelligence, we are excited to announce that we are now accepting post-deadline submissions for abstracts. We have reserved 4 post-deadline talk slots and multiple poster presentation opportunities during the conference program.

We invite you to submit your abstracts by September 8, 2024. We will promptly notify you of acceptance within 2 working days, allowing you ample time to secure accommodation at the conference venue.

Conference topics:

  • The “NFDI Cosmos”
  • Data management, stewardship & databases (FAIR research, repositories, ontologies, error quantification, etc.)
  • Machine learning (ML) applications using existing data repositories
  • New strategies for materials synthesis based on ML-approaches
  • Developing strategies for scale-bridging workflows in computational materials science
  • Digital twins
  • High-throughput simulation
  • Automation (autonomous experimentation)
Achat Hotel Karlsruhe City
Mendelssohnplatz, 76131 Karlsruhe
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The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Application for this event is currently open.