Oct 27 – 30, 2024
Achat Hotel Karlsruhe City
Europe/Berlin timezone

NFDI4DS Ontology: The NFDI for Data Science Ontology

Oct 29, 2024, 11:40 AM
Kurfürstensaal (Achat Hotel)


Achat Hotel


Dr Genet Asefa Gesese (FIZ Karlsruhe)


Data Science (DS) is a multidisciplinary field combining different aspects of mathematics, statistics, computer science, and domain-specific knowledge to extract meaningful insights from diverse data sources. DS and AI involve various artifacts, e.g., datasets, models, ontologies, code repositories, execution platforms, repositories, etc. The NFDI4DataScience (NFDI4DS) project endeavors to enhance the accessibility and interoperability of research data in the NFDI and DS domain. It achieves this by linking digital artifacts and ensuring their FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) accessibility, thereby fostering collaboration across various DS and AI platforms. To this end, the NFDI4DS Ontology is built upon the common NFDI core ontology that is mapped to the Basic Formal Ontology to enable interoperability [1,2].

The NFDI4DS ontology is a mid-level ontology describing all resources (datasets, data providers, persons, projects, and other entities) within the data science domain of NFDI4DS. Moreover, the ontology forms the basis for two knowledge graphs: the Research Information Graph (RIG) and the Research Data Graph (RDG). RIG covers metadata about the NFDI4DS consortium’s resources, persons, and organizations whereas RDG covers content-related index data from the consortium’s heterogeneous data resources. RIG serves as a backend for the web portal that enables interactive access and management of this data. Both RIG and RDG will be made available and searchable using the NFDI4DS Registry platform. Furthermore, the NFDI4DS consortium also aims to collaborate with other NFDI consortia for further seamless integration of domain-specific knowledge into the RDG.

[1] Oleksandra Bruns, Tabea Tietz, Etienne Posthumus, Jörg Waitelonis, Harald Sack. NFDIcore Ontology. Revision: v2.0.0. Retrieved from: https://nfdi.fiz-karlsruhe.de/ontology/2.0.0

[2] Tietz, Tabea, et al. "From Floppy Disks to 5-Star LOD: FAIR Research Infrastructure for NFDI4Culture." 3rd Workshop on Metadata and Research (objects) Management for Linked Open Science (DaMaLOS), co-located with ESWC. 2023.

Primary authors

Dr Genet Asefa Gesese (FIZ Karlsruhe) Dr Jörg Waitelonis (FIZ Karlsruhe) Dr Heike Fliegl (FIZ Karlsruhe) Prof. Harald Sack (FIZ Karlsruhe)

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