Oct 27 – 30, 2024
Achat Hotel Karlsruhe City
Europe/Berlin timezone

NOMAD and Electronic Lab Notes: A Synergy for Structured, FAIR Data Management

Oct 29, 2024, 8:00 PM
Karoline, ground floor (Achat Hotel)

Karoline, ground floor

Achat Hotel

Poster Data management, stewardship & databases Poster Session


Andrea Albino (HU Berlin)


Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELNs) are crucial for moving research data from paper to digital formats, streamlining lab workflows and digitizing data. This study examines integrating ELNs into Research Data Management (RDM) platforms like NOMAD, focusing on challenges like user acceptance and data structuring.
ELNs need to be user-friendly and structure data effectively for integration into RDM platforms, where structured data is vital for interoperability and advanced analyses. NOMAD aims to harmonize data across sources, requiring structured data from ELNs, a challenge due to their typically unstructured nature.
Our research presents how NOMAD enhances ELN integration, facilitating structured data creation and improving user engagement. NOMAD’s data processing capabilities and plugin mechanism enable the conversion of raw files into structured entries, promoting automation and acceptance.
Moreover, NOMAD allows for the creation of highly structured ELNs from predefined schemas and integrates third-party ELNs through templates for structured data entry. This approach balances user preferences with the advantages of RDM tools, advancing structured data collection and adhering to FAIR data principles.
This study highlights the role of ELNs integrated with platforms like NOMAD in modernizing research data management and enhancing data usability.

Primary authors

Jonathan Noky Andrea Albino (HU Berlin) Hampus Näsström (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, FAIRmat) Sarthak Kapoor (FAIRmat) Amir Golparvar (HU Berlin) Chandra Shekhar (Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe) Claudia Felser (CPFS Dresden) Natascha Dropka (IKZ Berlin) Fabian Zemke (TU Berlin) Holger von Wenckstern (Universität Leipzig) Tamás Haraszti (DWI - Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials) Markus Scheidgen (Physics Department and CSMB, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) Claudia Draxl (Physics Department and CSMB, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) Martin Albrecht (IKZ Berlin) Sebastian Brueckner (FAIRmat)

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