Oct 27 – 30, 2024
Achat Hotel Karlsruhe City
Europe/Berlin timezone

The Role of Data Intelligence in Chemistry Research Data Infrastructures

Oct 29, 2024, 4:30 PM
Kurfürstensaal (Achat Hotel)


Achat Hotel


Nicole Jung


The utilization of data intelligence tools presents numerous advantages for scientists and holds significant potential to streamline and expedite scientific endeavors across various domains. Specifically, research data infrastructures must address the opportunities and obstacles posed by data intelligence to ensure optimal support for their users and the broader scientific community. This talk will describe two general aspects within the realm of chemistry research data: (1) How does research data infrastructure benefit from the development and implementation of data intelligence tools and how can data intelligence support different areas of a research data infrastructure? (2) How can a research infrastructure contribute to promote the development of data analysis tools? What are suitable measures to design the future of chemistry work by promoting data intelligence in the long run? For both aspects, examples taken from the Chemotion ELN and the Chemotion repository will be utilized to describe current, already implemented tools and workflows, as well as those planned within NFDI4Chem. A highlight dealing with the half-automated curation of data will show the impact of data intelligence on efficient review options for scientific data. In this context, the impact of data intelligence on the establishment of automated synthesis platforms will be discussed.

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