Love Data Week 2025




Love Data Week is an international celebration promoting research data and their management. This year's theme, "Whose Data Is It, Anyway?", will inspire discussions and events worldwide from February 10 to 14, 2025. Explore all events happening in the German-speaking region during Love Data Week 2025 here.

The FAIRmat team will express their love for data and contribute with online coffee talks on February 10 and 11, 2025.


The first coffee talk "Whose Data Is It, By the Way?", hosted by Siamak Nakhaie, will provide a simple and clear overview of researchers' rights to the data they create, licensing options, and effective ways to share data. Join the discussion on February 10 at 11:30 CET.


The second coffee talk "NOMAD: A Platform for Managing Research Data in Materials Science", presented by Ahmed Mansour, will take place on February 11 at 13:00 CET. This talk will focus on a common challenge for materials scientists - managing diverse and large amounts of data. NOMAD offers a comprehensive research data management platform that transforms raw laboratory data files into structured and FAIR-compliant data. Attendees will learn about the core functionalities of NOMAD, how it facilitates data organization, improves collaboration, and leads to better research outcomes in materials science.


Celebrate the love of data with us - register below and join the conversations online!

Love Data Week 2025 - FAIRmat Coffee Talks
  • Monday, February 10
    • 11:30 AM 12:00 PM
      Whose Data Is It, By the Way? 30m

      As researchers, we generate valuable data every day. This talk is designed to provide a simple and clear overview of the rights to the data we create, licensing options, and how we can share our data effectively.

      Speaker: Siamak Nakhaie (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
  • Tuesday, February 11
    • 1:00 PM 2:00 PM
      NOMAD: A Platform for Managing Research Data in Materials Science 1h

      Managing diverse and large amounts of data is a common challenge for materials science researchers. NOMAD addresses this by providing a comprehensive research data management platform that transforms raw laboratory data files, into structured and FAIR-compliant data. This talk will explore the core functionalities of NOMAD and show how it facilitates data organization, improves collaboration, and leads to better research outcomes in materials science.

      Speaker: Ahmed Mansour (FAIRmat)