15–16 Nov 2023
IRIS Adlershof, Berlin
Europe/Berlin timezone

Kick-off meeting for the PSinNFDI forum: Incorporating RDM education into university courses in Germany

16 Nov 2023, 09:00
1.107 (IRIS Adlershof)


IRIS Adlershof

Zum Großen Windkanal 2, 12489 Berlin


Ahmed Mansour (FAIRmat) Carolin Rehermann (FAIRmat) Siamak Nakhaie (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)


Educating students in data literacy and the FAIR principles is vital for the next generation of scientists. The Physical Sciences in NFDI group (PSinNFDI) recognizes the shared challenges and opportunities in data literacy education and plans to establish a collaborative forum.
In this workshop, we will introduce the PSinNFDI forum and bring together consortia within the physical sciences discipline as well as interested educators in Germany to discuss and advance the implementation of data literacy in university courses. The workshop will focus on sharing experiences, identifying common challenges, exploring collaboration opportunities and sharing knowledge and resources.

Presentation materials

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